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Hereby, we attached the feedbacks that we received from our beloved viewers that spend their time to watch the video and provide us their opinion. 


Most of the viewers satisfied with the content of the video and some of the comments also will help us in improving the quality of the video in the future. 

Once you click on the link, it can be seen that there is around 136 views recently and will keep increasing in the future. The title of our video is "Late Night Sharing: ADR Gambit In Tackling Environmental Issues" with a  duration of 13 minutes and 46 seconds, starting by showing a glimpse of the real environmental issues happening in Malaysia, then forward with the laws and the regulations of Environment in Malaysia. The video then moving on with the comparison on how ADR is practice in various developed country and what kind of procedures involved along the process. 

In the video too, we put some information on how Malaysia literally practice its administrative of ADR through certain part of legal process and the inclusion of expert despite that it is rarely known for disputes resolution especially when it comes to environment. Towards the end the video shows a piece of end credit, the person behind the success of the production of the video. 

Nevertheless, it is such a short but precise informative video from us to share some thoughts, ideas, and knowledge regarding how to gambit environmental issues through ADR. Most of the comments have shown a positive response and praises on the initiative that we have put to share the insights to the community. Alas, we have reached our targeted community where we wish for 30 people to respond and give some feedbacks on what they think with the materials that we have created through YouTube platform as well as our Facebook page. 

It is impressive to note that there are over 135 views in which it exceeds our expectations for the video to reach people in the community to watch and gain some insights with the relationship of ADR and environmental disputes. 


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